It is now my third month with a membership. I have to say that I am in love (who knew that an hour to myself, for myself, could make such a difference). I was nervous to leave J. for an hour with people I don't know well, and have to trust that he would be okay...thankfully they screen their childcare workers and they are all trained, otherwise this trust thing would have been an impossibility. The days that I go to the Y are marked by a better mood. It's trackable. A. will come home from work now and if I'm a grump his first question is "did you go to the gym today?" Ninety percent of the time the answer will be "rude...but no, I didn't" (there are those days that even an hour at the gym can't compensate for). It is unnecessary to say that A. is very encouraging of my Y excursions, but there, I've said it anyway. The other day A. even came with me and gave me a tour of the weight room... but that is another story for another time.
Some people I love came to visit us. I'm very grateful that they took time away from their various schedules to come for a visit and to babysit! Thank you <3