Saturday, May 23, 2009

We had our second ultrasound yesterday to check on baby's kidneys. They're still slightly dilated but the midwives said it wasn't anything to worry about as he seems to be functioning just fine and that it will probably resolve after birth (or in these last 12 weeks). He was uncooperative as far as getting a good shot of his face, we had to be satisfied with a close up of his nose and lips. 
When we got home we went to my mom's and got out all the newborn pictures of me and all my siblings and one of Adam at 6 months and compared the ultrasound shots of his nose and lips to the photos. Looks like he got my nose. The lips are a mystery. I suppose we'll just have to wait until the little guy decides to come out to really get a good look at him.  
After dinner Adam said he was going to take me somewhere as a surprise. I tried to guess but was unsuccessful, and after awhile Adam told me to stop guessing because a surprise is supposed to be a surprise. The surprise turned out to be a trip to YoZone. We both got our cups of frozen yogurt, ate in the car, and drove back home. It was a fun little date. We talked about how dating after marriage is always a little more ambiguous as it's harder to discern what counts as a date... we decided YoZone counted. 


Nana said...

Yozone date. Funny. Haha.

Whitney Bonnett Taylor said...

I'm excited to see your little guy! When are you due exactly again..? I forget. I know it's soon right?