"He's posterior" Jessica whispered to Cheryl... whispered but still heard (even though I was in the middle of a contraction). It had been a hard day waiting to hear when we'd be able to come into the hospital for our induction as a lot of women decided to begin labor naturally (8 to be precise). Adam did his best to distract me from dwelling on the fact that stripping my membranes had done nothing and that we might not make it in on our scheduled day. Finally around 7:00 pm they called and asked if we could come in as soon as possible. We left in five minutes and were there faster than I wanted. We checked in, in a flash (much to my dismay as I realized what was coming), and were in our delivery room ready to go. Jessica (the on call nurse midwife) came in and asked why we were being induced on my due date, why weren't we waiting a little longer. We told her that it would be nice if I could walk in graduation and were hoping it might be possible, not to mention the fact that we'd been on pins and needles waiting for the little guy to get going for a full month. She finally agreed (reluctantly) that we'd break my water. She checked me and it was funny to watch her surprise as she found I'd already dilated to a 7 without pain.
The water was broken around 8 PM. I got to a 10 in roughly four hours, pushed for an hour before the pain became extremely intense. That's when I heard them whisper. I'd read up before hand and knew that posterior births are noted as being more painful and long. I think my brain gave up at that point and I started begging for an easier way. I received an epideral and was allowed to rest for an hour. We pushed for a few more hours with no success so they called Dr. Young to come in. He came and told us he would try to turn the baby with a vacuum extractor and if that didn’t work we’d need a c-section. Well, after a few tries with the vacuum, the good Dr. “made a little more room” as he phrased it, and Jonathan was born at 5:09 AM, looking like a little gorilla. Once he pinked up we found him rather charming. I think we were all glad to be done with the labor. The hospital stay went very quickly and our little family was on its way home.
He is so cute. I love his hair. I saw your post from my phone and I haven't been able to comment.
He really looks so cute... and most newborns don't at first.
How much did he weigh? He looks like a bigger baby (like Tula. She was 8 lb. 7 oz). I liked having her bigger because she was more full and not so delicate.
Nice work.
He was 9 lb 6 oz. It's true he isn't delicate.
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