Friday, January 15, 2010

Somedays it would be nice to have a soundproof room, where I could scream, rant, and rave to my hearts content without any witnesses. Sometimes I would like to write out my feelings and problems on this here blog, but fear that the "wrong" or "right" person might read it always stops me... you might suggest the answer would be a more private sort of thing like a journal but even those are not witness proof. As I should know being an avid reader of other people's diaries and journals... sorry dear sisters (and more recently Adam) for my invasion of your private thoughts and writings. Haha I will be punished no doubt (oh, and lest you think I'm a terrible person I've only read snippets of their journals on very rare occasions). Thus the conclusion is the soundproof, witness free room. No record, no problems... kind of like cash. A place to deposit all your problems (get them off your chest so to speak) without any repercussions. Pretty good idea, eh?


gigi said...

You could always write your rant down and then burn it. That satisfies the need to say it, the privacy problem, and burning things is a great way to release pent up aggression. But only when it's not arson. Arson is bad.

katie said...

I hadn't thought of that. How clever, but you always were the clever one... or were you the talented one? I forget. Love you.

Nana said...

If the fire thing doesn't appeal you could bury it. It would decay before it was found. Moulder away to nothing.

Whitney Bonnett Taylor said...

Ya! I feel I edit things I post as well for that same reason.. don't want to offend anyone, or give them the wrong idea.