In a moment of boredom (and madness) I took out the scissors and... that's right you guessed it, snip. I cut my own hair. I've always wanted to cut my own hair and yesterday I did. I was brave. Brave and stupid. Let's just say my career as a hairstylist was very brief. I must now go to have a haircut to fix my haircut. I won't post any pictures until it's more presentable.
Not to worry friends and family, not even one tear was shed during this experience (well maybe one by Adam), after I'd finished butchering my beautiful locks I looked at myself and laughed.
Hurrah - Think I got in --- I always snip at my own hair Katie - no biggie -- the girls always say ohhhh who cut this so bad last time and I just smile.... Your cake plate was great!!! Did Addie tell you we are going to Italy?? I am sooooooooooo excited.. xoxo
Oh, sweet Katie. You crack me up.
You know, come to think of it, weren't you always the one that was cutting off Barbie's hair? I think this has been a chronic fit that sometimes seizes you--the mad desire and curiosity to see what would happen if you cut a little here...snipped a little there... Oh well, still better than my strange impulse to rid my face of eyebrows in third grade. Come to think of did Mom cover that one up? You can't go get a haircut for that.
So did Adam just die when he got home? The poor thing. Please post pictures! I hope you took some. Really. I've got to see this. Please??
Oh Katie. You are crazy.
I concur with Beth...I hope you took pictures of it so you can share Before, During, and After.
I concur!Post pictures please.
oh my you are so funny! You are so brave! I would've cried. I can't wait for pictures.
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