As I look back on the month of April I am not at all surprised by how quickly it came and went. The end of school was busy for Adam and me, and then we had a trip to prepare for. Before I knew it, it was April 25th and we were on a plane bound for Italy. The two weeks we spent there were long, tiring, but amazing. I loved watching Adam's admiration of the sculptures, watching him meet my aunts, uncles, and cousins, and watching his love for Italy develop. It was fun to be with my parents and I'm grateful to them for giving us such a wonderful opportunity. It was a great time to go in regards to the pregnancy (much better than traveling in the first trimester!) and in general as a tourist. The tourist season only just beginning, the weather not too hot (we experienced quite a bit more rain then anticipated), and less worry for mom leaving the kids at home all day without school to occupy most of their time.
I do have a few regrets in regards to the trip, marvelous as it was, firstly, I don't think we ate enough gelato. Secondly, we didn't eat enough pizza. And thirdly, and most importantly we didn't really get a chance to celebrate our 2nd year anniversary on April 28th. This last may not seem possible, as I imagine some would say "but you were in Italy! Isn’t that celebration enough?" Well, in answer to that, no, it wasn't enough, we were so tired and moving about so rapidly in order to see as much as possible, and that the day came and went without much thought to what the day signified. I am not saying we didn't wish each other a "happy anniversary," because we did, all I am bemoaning is that I felt that I wasn't able to express to my darling Adam how much he means to me, and how acutely I have loved being his wife for the past two years.
So, hoping he will read this sometime in the near future...Adam you are the best husband a woman could ever ask for. You have made the past two years so wonderful, and I can't imagine life without you. Thank you for choosing me. I love you.
I apologize for those of you who abhor sappiness, but there you have it. On another note, my baby boy is getting bigger everyday it seems, I feel like I have doubled in size the past 3 weeks. What a joy. I wonder if perhaps I'm growing at an abnormal feels that way. Some days it feels like the skin on my stomach will burst open from the stress and that will be the end, other days it isn't so bad. I do love the little thing though. I love to feel him kick and punch around and generally cause mischief. The other day we put a flashlight on my stomach and were tickled pink to have him respond to it by repeated kicks that would case the flashlight to bounce up and down. One of his best tricks is kicking an area best left unmentioned and causing me to gasp at the shock of it. I can't wait to see him but at the same time I dread it! What if he looks like a little troll? Will I still love him? "Of course" is the answer most people give but I wonder anyway. Every now and then it all seems surreal, like I'll wake up and my waist will be back instead of the melon that is there now...and then there are those rare moments were it hits me "oh goodness, I'm going to be a mom, there is a living creature in my stomach, and one day he will come out, and be out for good." I love those moments. I'm excited and nervous for all the change...I have a feeling that these next 3 months are going to be long.
I'm going to try and post more than once a month just for kicks.
Arrivederci miei amici.