Friday, October 15, 2010


A few months ago while wandering through Office Depot searching for a mouse pad, I was strongly compelled to the school supplies aisle. Once there I picked up a pack of Crayola crayons and carried them with me debating with myself that buying them wasn't a silly idea. The childish side won the debate with the assurance that the crayons weren't for me at all but rather for my little J. (who is 1 year and 2 months old). All the while knowing that he probably wasn't ready for coloring sessions.

Yesterday was a somewhat gloomy and rainy day. To brighten things up, and because I needed some form of creative exercise, I decide J. and I were going to color. We grabbed some fresh white sheets of printer paper, my...uh... I mean J's pack of crayons, and settled on the floor in J's room. I gave J a sheet of paper and he dumped out the crayons for us. I put a crayon in J's hand and guided him a little to show him what they could do. When I thought that was under control I took a sheet and let go. I decided not to stress about whether I was creating something "good" or not and was having a lovely time of it. My focus was broken by a strange sound. Crunch, crunch. I looked over at J. Crunch, there went another one. He was biting off the tips of as many crayons as he could. I'm grateful Crayola made them non-toxic. I look forward to the day when "coloring" won't mean eating the colors.


Nana said...

Too funny!!

The Jenkins Family said...

I love it, but what a little stinker to eat Mommy's...I mean Jonathan's crayons like that!! I had a similar story like that with Audrey. While changing her diaper again the next day, it was a lovely neon green! Thanks, Crayola! Treasure these days, Christensens! As cliche as it sounds, they go so fast! One day they are eating crayons, the next day they are listening to Justin Bieber and telling Mom that she has no fashion sense! =)

CaradonandtheBoys! said...

Katie, thank you for making me laugh!! Jonny is so cute, and eating crayons is a rite of passage for kids. Just wait till that piece of paper becomes the computer screen, which is what Chase did the other day!! Love you guys!

Beth said...

Love it. Crunch crunch. Joshua's laughing at that right now too. "Jonathan's eating the crayons!!"