Monday, January 24, 2011


gigi said...

Would A. approve of you going to a flea market on Sunday? Which would he approve of more?

The Jenkins Family said...

I think if you just wander around the flea market as a family, enjoying the surroundings, talking and spending time together, as long as you don't buy anything, you are fine. It's no worse than walking through a park together on a Sunday. If you don't buy anything, you are not forcing anyone to work, you are just enjoying the beauty of your city. Tell A. that L. says it's okay! =) Besides, I know you both, and it won't be a habit, and it won't cause either of you to become inactive. Just my opinion...

Beth said...

I would say avoid temptation :D I bet you anything you'll see some darn cute things there and then you'll just go away feeling sad. Better make the trip on Saturday and get some cool stuff out of the drive!

katie said...

All good advice. Thanks sisters!

Sara Jean said...

I have wandered the flea market on a Sunday but not bought anything. It's quite a sight to see all the wonderful things and meet interesting people. I must admit, that I WANTED to buy quite a few things which I supposed wasn't the best feeling to feel on a Sunday morning....