Monday, November 26, 2012

6 month side by side

Man, it's crazy to see these two at the same age side by side.
People often tell me they look a lot alike. It's true.
 Definitely siblings.

Oh, these two make my heart ache in the best kind of way.


Lemonhead said...

Oh my gosh there are no sufficient words for their cuteness. And wow, I am one of those people who constantly tells you how alike they look, and these pictures make it even more apparent to me. Wow. Wow. Love them.
-Aunt Sam

Beth said...

Maybe I'm weird, and maybe it's because I haven't met Gemma in person yet...but I was actually thinking how different they look in these! I can totally see what you mean now; Jonathan looks so much like his dad! And Gemma looks a lot like you. How sweet :D

These pictures of Jonathan also made me think he looks like a young version of Prince Charming on the show "Once Upon a Time" :D How appropriate.

The Jenkins Family said...

They definitely look alike, but they definitely look like their respective gendered parents. Jonathan with his red hair and blue eyes, and Gemma with her brown hair and brown eyes. So beautiful, both of them!!