Friday, November 2, 2012

J. Tidbit

J: "What kind of socks are these?"
K: "Ankle socks."
J: "What are ankles?"
K:"They're these boney parts before your feet." 
K: "And what are these?" 
J: "Knees." 
K: "And these are your thighs, and these are your calves."
J "And these are my itchys!" (He says as he scratches behind his knees.)
He loves Photo Booth on our computer. I often find very silly pictures he's taken of himself.


Beth said...

Like I said, one of the cutest kids ever! ;D I just want to kiss those chubby cheeks! Which I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate :D

The Jenkins Family said...

Love it! He is so cute. I also find pictures of Claire on my phone and videos that she has taken of herself. I usually keep them because they are so darn cute! Love those kids!