Friday, February 8, 2013

dream houses

I have this re-occuring dream (though it leans more towards nightmare than dream) there is always a house that is either perched in the trees, on a steep slope, or some other precarious foundation. Inevitably I am in this house and if I move even a step too far to the left or right the house begins to lean. I can actually feel the sinking feeling in my stomach. I quickly have to right the wrong and get everyone in the right place again (sometimes Adam and the kids are in the house too, which makes it even harder to keep upright). The dream consists of trying to keep the house in balance. I wake up feeling uneasy.

Last night I had the dream again. This time the worst happened. I lost the war of balance and the house fell. The crazy thing about it was that the world didn't end. The house fell, nobody died. The house fell. I failed. The house fell but in the dream we were going to lift it with cranes. Life kept going. I was not in control but things would still be o.k.

I tend to overanalyze. So, this dream has me thinking about my life, wondering if a bomb is going to drop. I told Adam and he said that maybe it meant I was going to go insane (yeah, thanks for that one babe.) I really don't think that was the point of the dream... if there even was a point. I think it's my mind's way of saying "Katie, you can't control everything but it will be alright." I can't control how people act. I can't control what people think. I can't control natural disasters. I can't prevent people from getting hurt. I can't make other people happy and I don't HAVE to. The house can fall. Mistakes can and will be made. Life will not end.


Beth said...

That's really interesting! I think that is a really good message for the dream to send. The crazy, horrible thing you're fearing can happen. But it's okay. It's not the end. You have interesting dreams! I have weird dreams. Last night I dreamed my old English professor was giving me and my kids singing lessons...ah...ya...
Once I had a creepy dream when we slept in the same bed that I tried to wake you up, but it turned out your were a terrible horrible scary clown instead. Oh, still scares me :D

Cute jammies by the way :D

The Jenkins Family said...

I have dreams like that all the time. I can remember a recurring dream where I am in this old German town (I must have been about 12) and I was running down this cobblestone street with houses on either side. I am running toward this huge castle at the end of the street that is horribly scary and up on a hill. I know in the dream that my parents are being held captive by a witch inside and I have to save them. But, no matter how fast I run, the castle just gets further and further away. I am glad I'm not the only one with weird dreams that I try to analyze and figure out. In fact, it's most likely as simple as our brains are fried from life in general. That must be it! For the record, I'm pretty impressed with how well you keep things in balance; at least from an outsider's perspective looking in. Love you!

Archie Jones said...

Dreams are for gypsy palm readers. Faith, Hope, and charity! Also, Take what comes and love it! if you're looking for dreams try men dressed in black pajamas,you are out of ammo so you kick. Adam will love it and give you consolation. Love, One of the Jones boys