Friday, March 1, 2013

M & M

epic pouty face today when I asked  him to make a face
My little sister got engaged on Wednesday! I can't believe it. I knew it was coming, we've all been rooting for it, but I find it hard to believe that she is old enough to get married (which is odd considering I was two years + younger then she is when I did.). She and her man Melvin both seem so young to me , perhaps that means I'm getting old.

As a family we were driving home from picking up Adam from work, Adam and I were talking about her engagement, marriage, etc. At one point I said "J., Maggie's getting married." J.'s response was so cute and a little unexpected and very different from his cousins. He said with some worry in his voice "I don't want her to get married. I want her to stay like she is." We asked him why he wanted that and  quickly realized that he thought it meant Maggie would change in a bad way (apparently we haven't talked about love and marriage very much). We told him that marriage was a really good thing, and that Maggie would still be Maggie she would just live with Melvin, just like mama and dad. He liked that.

I'm so excited for Maggie and Melvin. Marriage can be so wonderful and I'm so grateful for mine. I have every confidence that they will be grateful for their's also.

Hooray for the happy couple! Hooray for another brother! Hooray for eternal marriage!


Beth said...

Yes Hurray to all the above! And hurray for cousins and a trip out to Utah to see everyone!!!!!!

Beth said...

Oh, and awesome pouty face. He totally gets that from you, ha ha ;D

The Jenkins Family said...

I LOVE that pouty face! Congrats to Maggie! I am so happy for her! Love you all!