Friday, January 29, 2010


So Jonathan is... how do you put it? Stinky. There is no other way to describe it. He has been having gas problems. Well, I guess you could say he isn't having gas "problems," his gut is working all to well. Just ask anyone unfortunate enough to be around when he lets one pass. It surprises me every time, that someone so little can sound and smell like a grown man. I hope it is just a phase. Or will Jonathan always have stinky gas? Regardless, I will always love my little skunk!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Beta Beard

Hello all, Adam here. I thought that seeing as how I check this blog everyday for new posts from my sweet wife, I might as well add one myself for her to look back on and read.

My first instinct would be to write about happenings in my life as of late, and when I think back upon such happenings, the only new and exciting thing to write about would be my beta beard. What is a "beta beard" you ask?... well "beta" refers to a time period in the last stages of the development of a video game, in this case it lasts from the first week of January, till the last week of March, whereupon our current game reaches completion and a burden is lifted off the shoulders of the team and the execs at Disney. So its been just over three weeks now that I have had this beard and Katie reports that she, "likes to look at it, but not touch it." I suppose this would be suitable if ones face was a look but dont touch item, but seeing as how I am madly in-love with my Katie, the thought of her not touching my face with hand, nor cheek, makes me shiver in sad loneliness. Therefore I cannot say with complete confidence that this beard will make it through to the bitter end... but it will try.

The Beta Beard
See it, love it

Along with growing the beard, I am also letting the hair grow out a bit, mainly out of curiosity to see what it will be like in March. I suppose I will like it if I can achieve one of two worthy goals. End up with hair that looks like my good buddy Paul when he came to our wedding (long and luscious like Ive never seen on Paul before), or hair that looks like a Korean pop star. A Korean pop star may seem strange to those who dont know me well, especially since my hair is usually so short and conservative in its asthetic. But be thou not confused, for I too have had the joy of watching Korean dramas with my lovely Katie lately and as a tribute to the dramas and the fun we have watching them I went ahead and posted my face on a dear friend of Katie and I's... Ji Hoo Sunbae.

Me as a Korean, give it a chance to sink in... then love it.

Ji Hoo is from a drama we just finished called Boys over Flowers, it was superb.

Love you all. -Adam

Monday, January 25, 2010

why I love korean dramas

I can't stand "soap-operas." I think they are an abomination. The acting is terrible, the plots are improbable and base, and they just ooze "waste of time." While I can't lie and say that Korean dramas aren't a waste of time, they are a lot more fun than the American equivalent. Korean dramas are funny, romantic, generally more conservative, better acted, better written, and all-in-all a better waste of time. Imagine a 16-24+ hour romantic comedy or drama with the added bonus of a peek into Korean culture (and I can get Adam to watch them with me!) Fabulous.
Watched so far: You're Beautiful, Couple or Trouble, and Boys Over Flowers

Friday, January 15, 2010

Somedays it would be nice to have a soundproof room, where I could scream, rant, and rave to my hearts content without any witnesses. Sometimes I would like to write out my feelings and problems on this here blog, but fear that the "wrong" or "right" person might read it always stops me... you might suggest the answer would be a more private sort of thing like a journal but even those are not witness proof. As I should know being an avid reader of other people's diaries and journals... sorry dear sisters (and more recently Adam) for my invasion of your private thoughts and writings. Haha I will be punished no doubt (oh, and lest you think I'm a terrible person I've only read snippets of their journals on very rare occasions). Thus the conclusion is the soundproof, witness free room. No record, no problems... kind of like cash. A place to deposit all your problems (get them off your chest so to speak) without any repercussions. Pretty good idea, eh?